La formazione degli insegnanti di matematica e scienze in modalità e-learning: una esperienza europea


  • Giuliana Gnani Università di Ferrara
  • Angela Balestra Istituto Comprensivo ‘T. Bonati’, Bondeno (FE)



Since the seventies a sector of Science of Education has been testing and assessing the application of e-learning in the context of formation. (Adelsberger, Collis, Pawlowski, 2002). Numerous teacher formation courses have been carried out using e-learning communication, teaching practices and activities: an initial formation course for teachers of mathematics and science, Teaching-Learning Sequences for Integrated Learning of Science Issues, was held within the European ISSUE project. The article describes the Italian teaching staff’s experience and contribution to the course.



Author Biographies

Giuliana Gnani, Università di Ferrara

Angela Balestra, Istituto Comprensivo ‘T. Bonati’, Bondeno (FE)

