La responsabilità genitoriale e la relazione scuola-famiglia: certezze, fragilità e nuove istanze educative


  • Marinella Attinà



responsibility, father, school, family, paideia


This essay aims to analyse complex problematic forms of parental responsibility, whose ‘testing ground’ is that of the school/family relationship. The complementarity of these two conceptual plexus – parental responsibility and school/family relationship – finds an own compulsoriness not only in the pedagogical reflection as such, but also and especially in the critical-problematic reflection on school legislation forms that, since the 70s, have legitimised, informed and supported the instance of a co-responsibility of both structural paidetic institutions. The following notes are intended to plumb the complexity of the parental responsibility that is still suspended between authority and freedom. Moving in this heuristic direction an attempt will be made to inflect the question of the evaporation of the father in a pedagogical way by connecting it synergically with the question of the change of the idea of a school-family educational co-responsibility, with the conviction that redefining the family responsiveness could have paidetic effects that can hardly not be addressed.

