Scuola e socializzazione dei ruoli di genere: elementi per il contrasto alla povertà educativa


  • Silvia Nanni
  • Nicoletta Di Genova



educational poverty, gender, stereotype, teachers, training


Abstract The article explores the link between schooling, gender role socialization, and educational poverty. Starting with an overview on the issue of educational poverty, the article focuses on understanding it through the lens of gender perspective, emphasizing how gender expectations and stereotypes influence access to quality education. Next, comparative data are presented regarding gender-driven choices in the school context, highlighting disparities and imbalances. Finally, the article proposes strategies to deconstruct gender stereotypes, offering critical elements useful for teachers training and more equitable gender education. This analysis aims to provide theoretical and practical tools to address educational poverty from a gender-aware perspective, contributing to the debate on how to make school practices declined to gender education.

