Information Literacy: l’istanza educativa centrale per la declinazione delle competenze digitali


  • Simona Ferrari
  • Stefano Pasta



information literacy, onlife citizenship, digital curricula, digital competence, new literacies


Abstract The contribution is dedicated to how Information Literacy (IL) questions secondary school, considering the European project “Check&Design. Digital Information Literacy and Collaborative Learning at school” (2021-23). The European Commission has identified Digital Education, of which IL is part, as one of the key factors for creating a common European Education Area by 2025; however, digital and IL skills are varied in Europe. The second part of the article reports two actions of the project: a mapping of these declinations in the respective national and local frameworks, carried out with teachers, and a questionnaire on IL to which 1,955 European students responded. Finally, the MOOC created by the project, now accessible to all in Italian and English, is presented as a response to promote Information Literacy as the ability to critically read the ongoing transformation processes of the current information ecosystem.

