Promuovere l’autovalutazione coi giochi da tavolo: il modello del progetto Numeri e Pedine


  • Liliana Silva
  • Andrea Maffia



mathematics education, self-evaluation, self-regulation, error, ludic assessment


This contribution presents the role of self-evaluation within the project “Numeri e Pedine” based on a community of inquire formed, in the last two years, by researchers and primary mathematics teachers from the whole country. After a short introduction about the features of the boardgames chosen for this mathematics education project, we analyze the importance of self-evaluation models when using boardgames. Both the enhancement of children’s mathematical learning and of teachers’ daily practices are considered viable. Finally, we propose possible research pathways that could be integrated in the project in its next developments in future years and that will allow to better research the mathematical (and non-mathematical) abilities that are developed by children. The error is considered as tool for learning and enhancement when purposely used.

