Il “draw my life style”: una proposta per la didattica nei musei scientifici universitari.


  • Lucia De Frenza
  • Ruggero Francescangeli
  • Augusto Garuccio



The spread of new integrated technologies to connect people and share information has raised the issue of an adaptation of the educational paradigms. The school because of the diffusion of new media is rethinking their strategies, developing new tools which are aimed at express the full potential of the students, from the cognitive to the emotional sphere, from the relational to sphere of operation. Awareness has spread that learning environments are not only those of traditional classrooms, but even all the places that offer to the pupils opportunities for training and relationship. In this context the museums are also included.

This paper provides the theoretical and experimental framework for the adoption of a tool recently developed in the web, the style "draw my life", for creating learning experiences in line with the new media education. The videos draw my life are tales accompanied by drawing, executed while the speaker talks. They can serve to illustrate concepts, instruments or scientific materials especially through telling life stories. The experimentation carried out in the classroom shows the effectiveness of the method and suggests its usefulness even in teaching by museums.”[1]

[1] R. Arnheim, Verso una psicologia dell’arte,trad. it., Einaudi, Torino 1969, cit. in L’esperienza pedagogica dell’arte, M. Dallari, C. Francucci, Firenze, la Nuova Italia, 1998, p- 89.

