L'educatore nei servizi: marginalità, svantaggio, disabilità


  • Cristina Palmieri




marginality, disadvantage, disability, pedagogical glance, educational method, educational work


What does it mean for an educator to work in services that have to face marginalities, disadvantages, disabilities? What are the features that define educational professionalism in these contexts? Which are the ways of thinking and the methods that guide the educational work? To answer these questions this article explores the current complexity that working in such services imply and it focuses on three key points. First, it raises the question of how to overcome classifications that, although necessary for the organization of these services, leave out those fragilities that often are at the basis of situations of marginality, disadvantage, and disability. Second, it deals with the pedagogical glance and identifies its specificity in the adoption of paradigms that enable us to think both individual and social diseases as “learned situations”. Third, the article detects in the methodological competence the possibility to transform such pedagogical glance in a specific educational action.

Author Biography

Cristina Palmieri

Cristina Palmieri (Siracusa, 1968) è Ricercatrice confermata e docente di Consulenza nel disagio educativo: teorie e pratiche e di Didattica e Pedagogia dell’inclusione presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. I suoi interessi di ricerca riguardano la cura e il disagio educativo, la dimensione metodologica e pragmatica del lavoro educativo, l’inclusione sociale. Tra le sue pubblicazioni: Crisi sociale e disagio educativo. Spunti di ricerca pedagogica (a cura di, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2012); Un’esperienza di cui aver cura. Appunti pedagogici sul fare educazione (Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2011).


