Dal reale al possibile. Il valore formativo del concetto di possibilità per lo sviluppo del pensiero creativo


  • Rosetta Spedicato




concept of possibility, creative thinking, transaction, thinking skills


The reflective capacities of human being can’t be reduced to simple language transcripts of concrete but must be able to “innovate” the sense that the subject attributes to reality. The “constraints” of the world contain but at the same time push the reflective procedure of the subject, who can starts epistemological processes also through the practice of creative thinking. Such statements are in syntony with the educational vision of J. Dewey, who was convinced of the need to implement educational and training practices capable to producing a real change in the world. Rethinking the concept of existence, and then with it the concept of possibility, it allows to redefine the terms of the causal interaction that the subject has with things. The paper aims to set out specific thinking skills, such as the “prefigure” and “metaphorical thinking”, which are stressed by the understanding of the concept of possibility

Author Biography

Rosetta Spedicato

Rosetta Spedicato (Galatina, 1985) ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Pedagogia dello Sviluppo presso l’Università del Salento. Attualmente insegna Filosofia e Storia in un liceo linguistico. I suoi principali ambiti di ricerca riguardano la filosofia per ragazzi, la didattica del pensiero riflessivo ed il modello didattico della comprensione significativa. 

