Scelta e uso del manuale: analisi delle pratiche didattiche e delle competenze interculturali degli insegnanti


  • Maria Lucenti



textbooks, teaching practices, intercultural skills, teacher training, teaching tools


Far from having lost centrality, the manual is still one of the most important teaching tools today. The aim of this article is not only to understand if and how much teachers use the manual, but also the criteria by which they choose the textbooks, as well as the ability to distance themselves from it to build their own course independently. If competency-based teaching on the one hand, and the presence of students with a multiple cultural background on the other, called for a renewal of teaching practices, how have these changes been received and implemented by teachers in the classroom? How did this affect the choice and use of textbooks? Through a case study - the teachers of the secondary school of the municipality of Genoa - we will try to understand these factors, taking into account training as an essential instrument not only for the acquisition of intercultural skills, but also for a critical choice and use of textbooks.

