Dal comentario de texto al debate. Strategie per migliorare la comprensione scritta e la produzione orale
didactics, Spanish literature, reading literacy, gaming, strategiesAbstract
Reading Literacy (RL), as one of the goals of language learning strategies, is supposed to encourage information literacy, critical thinking and, in all actuality, communication. This article aims at investigating the effect of teaching RL strategies on SFL (Spanish as a Foreign Language) learners in order to improve skills about textual analysis and literature comprehension. The didactic use of foreign literary texts deals with pursuing clear, motivating and challenging objectives for the students: prior knowledge exercises and text organization reveal that teachers can choose between different techniques as questioning, identifying the main ideas, summarizing, for instance. Also gaming has shown serious potential in building successful readers, as well as literary pieces with a captivating theme; escape rooms and breakout games involve pedagogical implications far superior to traditional approaches because they facilitate conversation between peers.