Le Linee di indirizzo per favorire il diritto allo studio delle alunne e degli alunni che sono stati adottati, 2014/2023. Considerazioni in una prospettiva educativa interculturale


  • Stefania Lorenzini




international adoption, intercultural education, teacher professionalism, school inclusion guidelines


Abstract Adoption is a complex reality with many facets, critical issues, resources. Among other peculiarities, children who have been adopted may have their origins in different parts of Italy but also in many countries of the world, in international adoption but also in national adoption involving children of foreign origin who have been abandoned on Italian soil. These children often bear somatic traits and skin colours different from those still prevailing in the Italian context and have complex histories (the higher the age at adoption), characterised by repeated fractures, losses, bereavements, discontinuities, peculiarities that school contexts must take into account and accommodate. Possibly from an intercultural educational perspective. The presence at school of adopted children, whether of foreign origin or not, is a reality that has existed for decades, yet it is relatively recent to see the consolidation of experts' commitment to the need to create specific tools and protocols for a prepared, sensible and competent reception. The 2014 and 2023 Guidelines for promoting the right to study of pupils who have been adopted, were created with the aim of providing knowledge and theoretical-methodological guidelines to help schools guarantee children and young people and their families, tools that favour their growth path. In analysing some of the main aspects of the document, in particular of 2023, the aim of this contribution is also to spread knowledge about it.

